Summer farewell with Cashback from Triple Dragon

Debitum long-term partner company, Triple Dragon – an innovative, fast-growing, specialist lender in the gaming and mobile app industries – invites to meet the beginning of the active business season with a special offer.

“UK-based company Triple Dragon is our all-time biggest partner with 819 loans financed and a total of 28 mil EUR financed. As “A+ trust score” partner Triple Dragon has proved the security of investor assets with regular in-time repayments. It is natural as all investments are backed by such “bullet-proof” collaterals as accruing future revenues from companies like Google, Amazon, Netflix. Starting from today (21st of August) up to the 15th of September our investors can invest in all existing and upcoming Triple Dragon ABS programs on special conditions,” summarizes Debitum CEO, Henrijs Jansons.

About the Summer Farewell Cashback campaign:

  • Cashback bonus will be applied for all new investments in Triple Dragon assets,
  • Period: from the 21st of August to the 15th of September (including) 2023,
  • The amount of Cashback – 1%.
  • Fast cashback payment – once a week.

Enjoy secure investing with Debitum and Triple Dragon.

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