Improve the security of your funds!

Dear investors,

Considering the recent events, when an investor on one of leading platforms lost a significant amount of funds due to fraudulent activities (read more on Lars Wrobbel’s blog), we invite investors to take all necessary security measures to protect their investments.

It is possible by setting up two-factor authentication (2FA).

To activate 2FA, please follow these steps:

  1. Login into Debitum Investments account
  2. Visit the “Account settings” section
  3. In “Account settings” choose “Profile information”
  4. In “Profile information” ENABLE two-factor authentication
  5. Follow the instructions on how to activate 2FA (You will have to install the Google Authenticator mob app on your smartphone)

From the moment you activate 2FA, when you log into the Debitum Investments platform, the system will ask you to enter the Google Authenticator 6-digit security code.

If you have any questions regarding investment security, contact us via e-mail or other customer service channels!

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